As a novice gardener, I never knew that a fall garden was a thing, much less a better time to grow certain crops. After watching more videos than I care to admit, I was convinced. Now, I want to convince you!
Why a fall garden?
There are MANY crops that are frost tolerant. Meaning, they will still grow even after the weather gets colder and frost sets in. Beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, collards, green onions, leaf lettuces, kale, leeks, and radishes are just some of the crops that should be part of your fall garden because they can all take the frost!
Some crops, like kale, even taste better once they have had some frost on them!
Pests are long gone…or at least less of a problem. Cucumber beetles, squash bugs, Japanese beetles, potato beetles, cabbage worms & leaf miners are at the end of their lifecycle and likely to be heading to hibernation.
Same with diseases like downy mildew, bacterial spot & bacterial wilt. It is so much more enjoyable to garden without these issues.
Weeds are growing slower. We will never get rid of Satan’s flowers (weeds), but when they grow slower, they are easier to stay on top of!
Temps are more pleasant to work in. The heat of summer has gone and now you can garden without dehydrating!
Botanical Interest has taken the guesswork out of picking seeds for the fall garden. They have created an entire page of crops that grow in 60 days or less! Take a look and let me know what you are growing in your fall garden this year!