Homesteading news & reviews
The Daily Homesteader is about all things homesteading from news, reviews, advice, fun, podcasts, and more! Learn, have fun, and get new ideas on your homesteading journey.
My name is Kelly Gaw and I am The Daily Homesteader! Here is the short version of how we got to our farm from an HOA suburban life!
My husband of nearly 28 years and I have owned a media company for the past 21 years. During that time we have started and run newspapers in three states, concert promotion and production companies, blogs, an online events company, and now The Daily Homesteader.
In 2013 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and my doctor and I went on a mission to figure out why. I was not content with just taking a pill (or several as it were) and just living with it. Over the 5 years that would follow, I watched all of the documentaries, read all of the books and blogs, attended auto-immune summits with leading doctors in the field, worked with 4 different rheumatologists, and talked with so many different people. This led me to one major conclusion. I could do far more for my situation by changing the types and sources of foods I ate, than my handful of pills or monthly infusions would ever do.
Because of my contacts from 21 years of media, I had the ability to get in touch with some unique doctors along the way and do interviews with them about what I was discovering. And it all lined up!
So, two years ago we turned my love of gardening into a full-blown trek towards homesteading. We knew we wanted to focus on regenerative and sustainable farming practices but we knew that we had so much to learn. So, we ditched our cable television and dove headfirst into YouTube College! We spent nearly 5 hours an evening, EVERY EVENING, for 2 years watching everything we could find on chickens, farming, pigs, and everything in between. We learned how to process poultry on our farm by watching others teach it on their channels. We learned garden terms, theories, and practices that we had no clue about even after 14 years of having our own backyard gardens, by consuming every video someone had ever created on the topic! It is a ridiculous amount of content that we watched over the two years, and honestly still are watching, but it got us prepared for the next adventure in our lives!
We were a couple of 48-year-old, only ever lived in HOA neighborhoods, people who all of a sudden were going to be farmers! So, my husband and I bought a 5.5-acre property and started growing about 10,000 sq ft of gardens, we bought 50 meat chickens and 25 laying hens, and 10 turkeys. If we were going to be homesteaders, we were going all in! So far, all of the poultry intended for “freezer camp” has been processed by us…on our farm and the layers are giving us about 18 eggs a day.
Next stop…Pigville!
We really started falling in love with homesteading and the idea of the community that it creates. We wanted to do something with this community but really felt like the YouTube side of things was oversaturated. But, we knew that if we could be as successful as we had been because of what we learned during our journey, we needed to bridge the gap for others who wanted this lifestyle and may be hesitating for some reason. After a lot of prayers, we decided that we would use our passion for this lifestyle and lean on our strong history with online properties and we built The Daily Homesteader. The Daily Homesteader is a news, blog, reviews, and how-to site for all things gardening and homesteading. It is about our personal experiences as well as those who are also in the homestead community.
Believe it or not…that was the short version of how we got here! If for some reason you are interested in the long version, shoot me an email and I can answer your questions!

Sam & Kelly Gaw